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Suggest improvements to ProgiParts

Be part of the solution and suggest improvements to Canada's largest procurement software for the collision industry.



Showing 29 of 53

mettre la date où les pièces ont été soumissionnées sur la commande des pièces

mettre la date où les pièces ont été soumissionnées sur la commande des pièces
Guest about 1 year ago in Supplier 0

Shipping Date Case check by default for LKQ (invoices) (EN ATTENTE)

Depuis hier on a remarqué que Progi nous demande de cocher la case du ‘shipping date », pour nous LKQ et Keystone, on facture TOUJOURS la journée de la livraison…y’a JAMAIS de facture pré daté.. Est-ce que c’est possible de désactiver la fonction ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Supplier 0 Unlikely to implement

automated email with training material and documentation whenever a new dealer is created or when a email is changed.

No description provided
Guest about 1 year ago in Supplier 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow us to make changes on an invoice

We the suppler should be able to make changes on an invoice. For example, I have to wait for body shop to correct the mistake before I can invoice so I can get paid.
Guest about 1 year ago in Supplier 0

Longer confirmation times

There used to be an hour window of time to complete these. Perhaps it's ok for a smaller shop/dealership, but only having a half hour and dealing with a multitude of other variables makes it very difficult to achieve that 1/2 hour goal
Guest about 1 year ago in Supplier 0

Permettre l'ajout de pièces "miscellaneous" par le fournisseur dans les dossiers facturation directe

Permettre l'ajout de pièces "miscellaneous" par le fournisseur dans les dossiers facturation directe
Nicolas Veillette over 2 years ago in Supplier 0

Allow a supplier to challenge credit reason

GC02NDX is a case where the bodyshop requested, via progiparts, a bumper with sensor, probumper delivered the bumper with sensor, but the bodyshop actually wanted a bumper without sensor. They then requested a credit in ProgiParts and wrote "suppl...
Martin St-Yves almost 6 years ago in Supplier 0

afficher les frais réseaux sur la page de facturation

afficher les frais réseaux sur la page de facturation
Nicolas Veillette almost 3 years ago in Supplier 0

Contest credit request reason

Les carrossiers retournent des pièces qu'ils ont commandés à la hative sans sélectionner les bonnes spécifications et indiquent "erreur du fournisseur", ce qui affecte négativement les statistiques du fournisseur et irrite les relations entre carr...
Guest about 6 years ago in Supplier 0

Add a column for Cheque # and Cheque date in the sales report for ProgiParts suppliers

On the accounting portal, when you generate the sales report in excel format, no cheque information is offered to the client, their only option is to click each link manually. Proactive ProgiParts suppliers would probably benefit from having the i...
Guest about 6 years ago in Supplier 1